Student Behavioral Contract
(Grades K-5)
____________________________________ __________________ _______________
Name of Student Date of Birth Class
I know I have a right to:
- be in a safe school, free from discrimination, harassment and bigotry;
- know what is correct behavior and what behaviors may result in disiplinary actions;
- counseling by staff about my behavior and how it affects my education and welfare in school;
- due process of law when I violate school regulations for which I may be suspended or removed from class
I agree to:
- come to school on time with the assistance of my parents, prepared to work;
- use courteous and polite language;
- participation in class/community meetings to acknowledge a person's thoughtfulness, assistance or courtesy;
- resolve conflicts peacefully and express my feelings in words;
- dress in a clean, neat and safe manner;
- take care of my personal belongings and respect other people's belongings;
- tell my parents what I learned in school each day;
- complete my homework every day and show it to my parent(s)/guardian(s)
- follow the rules in the Discipline Code.
I have discussed this with my parents and I will follow this agreement.
Student Name:___________________________ Signature: ______________________ Date: __________
____________________________________ Parent Section _______________________________
I have received a copy of the Discipline Code and Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities and understand the behavior that is required of my child.
I understand that my participation in my child's education will help him/her be successsful in school. I have read this agreement and I will carry out the following responsibilitites to the best of my ability.
- Encourage my child to be a respectful and peaceful member of the school community.
- Discuss the Discipline Code and the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities with my child.
- Participate in parent conferences, class programs and other activities in which my child is involved.
- Assure that my child will arrive at school on time everyday.
- Provide a quiet place for my child to do his/her homework.
- Spend at least 15 minutes per day reading with my child.
- Listen to my child retelling of his/her school day experiences.
- Provide the school with current telephone numbers and emergency contact information.
- Alert the school if there are any significant changes in child's health or well-being that affects his/her ability to perform in school.
Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________
(Please Print)
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________