Check out the videos to our previous games:
Beehives vs PS 310
Beehives vs PS 186
PS 204 is proud to announce the new members of the
Beehive Basketball Team:
Artem Beloborodov (4-422)
Ardan Semenov (4-422)
Liam Navarro (4-422)
Endy Wufeng (4-407)
Caleb Nunez (4-407)
Damien Cai (4-407)
Athan Sikloas (4-407)
Giovani Zito (5-421)
Chase Wu (5-421)
Quinton Huang (5-405)
Salvatore Cangelosi (5-405)
Jordan Lo (5-405)
Jonathan Buffa (5-417)
Jared Chen (5-417)
Connor Moy (5-419)
Yejun (Jerry) Wu (5-401)
Coach: Mr. Vasile