Parent Handbook

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year! I am looking forward to a terrific year working with you as we help our children grow and learn. It is my firm belief that children need to know that they are supported and secure in their educational journey both at school and at home. By working together we can maximize their achievement while nurturing their social and emotional development.
This handbook has been prepared as a resource for you to participate in your child’s daily routines in an informed, prepared manner. It contains a great deal of information about school policies along with numerous resources for your family. In addition to this handbook, I invite you to visit our website at for up-to-date information and school news.
We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year for our students, staff, and families. P.S. 204 is a wonderful school community because of the close collaboration among families, students and staff.  I wholeheartedly encourage you to get involved. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.

Roseann Sainato

School Mission Statement

Our P.S. 204 family is committed to provide a safe, nurturing environment that supports student learning by building positive relationships and fostering high self-esteem. We celebrate diversity with respect for all cultures and learning styles. We provide rigorous instruction that challenges and engages all students while encouraging risk-taking, questioning and collaboration. We strive to develop life-long learners who aim to be the best they can be.

Organization of School

Principal: Roseann Sainato
Assistant Principal: Michele Bennett
Assistant Principal: Laura Bonomolo
Parent Coordinator:
Salina Yuen
Guidance Counselors: Elizabeth Hickey, Nancy Luong
School Psychologist: Natalya Timofeyev & Amanda Wortman
School Social Worker: Alaina Colella
Family Worker: Donna Vento
School Secretaries: Camilla Torani, Donna Criscione, Janet Potenzone
School Nurse: Daniela DeSanto

PTA Executive Board 2021-2022

President: Josephine Cangelosi
Vice President: Jessica Cabral
Treasurer: Rose Compoccia
Financial Secretary: Jamie Pei
Recording Secretary: Maria Cangelosi
Corresponding Secretary: Debra Thompson

Parent Teacher Association

The PTA is active and involved in supporting the education and learning needs of all children by reaching out to parents and guardians, exchanging ideas and information, raising necessary funds in support of the school’s educational programs and community building. The PTA off- sets a variety of expenses for the school, including classroom materials, cultural programs, grade specific instructional programs, 5th grade graduation, and much more. The PTA is governed by bylaws which are updated as needed in keeping with the Chancellor’s A-660 regulation.

PTA Meetings

We urge parents/guardians to attend monthly PTA meetings and volunteer their time, energy, and talents with all of the children at P.S. 204. The PTA depends on the involvement and support of all P.S. 204 families to enable the community and programs to thrive. By contributing time, resources and ideas, families ensure that P.S. 204 students have the opportunity for a wonderful educational and extracurricular experience.  *Please note that due to updated guidance from the NYC DOE, only vaccinated individuals are permitted to enter the school building as volunteers for PTA events.

Monthly meetings will be scheduled both in-person and virtually in the evening. The PTA will send notices home with the scheduled date and time. It will also be posted on the school website.  For this year, the Chancellor is waiving the requirement in Chancellor’s Regulation A-660 that PA/PTA and Presidents’ Council meetings must be held in person, but such meetings must continue to be open to the general public. If held in person, all attendees must be vaccinated. These meetings must take place outside of school hours and offer a remote option for unvaccinated individuals.

A newly adopted system that makes it very easy for families to respond to field trips and consent forms.  Operoo keeps your child’s contact and medical information up to date so that you do not need to repeat this information consistently.  Please contact Ms. Yuen, our Parent Coordinator if you have not activated your account.  Feel free to view the parent introduction page at or Operoo’s security and privacy procedures at
We encourage all parents/guardians to enroll in Operoo for important school messages and the Notify NYC system.  Links to enroll in these announcement systems can be found on our school website at

Daily Schedule for Students
● 7:30 AM - School doors open for breakfast 
● 7:45 AM - Arrival for Pre-K Students
● 8:00 AM - The school day begins for students in Grades K-5
● 2:00 PM - Daily Dismissal for Pre-K Students 
● 2:10 PM - Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 Dismissal
● 2:15 PM - Grade 3 -5 Dismissal

Arrival Procedures
*P.S. 204’s official school hours are 8:00 AM-2:20PM

Pre-Kindergarten: Students will enter from the rear door on the left side of the courtyard at 7:50 AM (PINK STAR)

Kindergarten: Students will enter from the rear cafeteria door in the schoolyard on 81st street side (RED STAR) Line-up Location: Cafeteria

Grade 1 and 2: Students will enter from the left side rear door in the courtyard (YELLOW STAR) Line-up Location:  Playroom

Grades 3-5: Students will enter the school building from the main entrance door on
15th Ave & 82nd street (GREEN STAR) Line-up Location: Auditorium

Bus Students: Students will enter the building from the 82nd street side door (White Star) 

*Staff members will be stationed at all locations for assistance.

 *Teachers will pick up and escort students in Grades K-5 to their classrooms at
8:00 AM.*

Dismissal Times and Exits

Pre-Kindergarten                   2:00 PM              Pink Door
Kindergarten                           2:10 PM              Red Door
Grade 1 & 2                              2:10 PM              Yellow Door
Grades 3-5                               2:15 PM              Green Door


*Please be advised that if your child is not picked up by 2:20 PM he/she will be escorted back into the school building. You will be required to come to the security desk to pick up your child, present proper identification and sign out your child.

Be sure that the person who is picking up your child is listed on the Emergency Contact Information Card.

**No child will be released to anyone without proper identification and who is not listed on the Emergency Contact Information Form.


Double-parking in front and around the building during arrival and dismissal times is prohibited by law and creates a hazardous situation for the members of our school community. The NYPD may ticket cars that do so.

Safety Procedures for School Visitors
A visitor entering the building will be requested to provide at least one item of valid photo identification, proof of vaccination and must sign the Visitor’s Log at the front desk. Every visitor will be given a pass to the main office if they can provide proof that they are Covid vaccinated. The main office will be made aware of the name of the visitor. Visitors must go directly to the main office.  These safety procedures are put in place to ensure the safety of all members of our school community and they will be strictly enforced. For anyone not vaccinated will remain at the security desk for further assistance.

Attendance and Lateness

Good attendance is an essential component of learning and significant to your child’s overall success in school.  The DOE closely monitors student absences and requires appropriate action in cases of excessive absences. An attendance rate of 90% or below is considered excessive.  Excessive absences will result in contact by the school, meetings with the administrative team and/or a visit from the New York City Department of Education attendance teacher.

Please follow these important attendance guidelines when your child is absent:
● It is important that a family member communicate with the school to report student absences. If your child is absent for any reason, please call Attendance Aide, Mrs. Centonze at (718) 236-2906. Please make sure to include the following information: child’s full name, class, teacher’s name, and reason for absence including symptoms of illness, if applicable.

● Communicate your child’s absence with the classroom teacher via Remind. Please include the reason for absence, including symptoms, if applicable.

● If your child’s absence is related to illness, he or she must return to school with a doctor’s note.

● If your child will be traveling out of the state or country for an extended period of time, please contact Secretary, Ms. Torani to provide her with travel details.


Chronic lateness affects a child’s academic success and disrupts the teacher and the entire class. Any child arriving at school after 8:00 AM is officially late.  If a student arrives at school after 8:00 am, they will be marked present.  However, they will sign in at the security desk, receive a late pass and be marked late on their official attendance record. Chronic lateness will result in a family conference with administration.

Early Dismissal
Children are expected to remain in school until the official end of the school day. If you must pick up a child for an appointment, send a note to the teacher in advance. Main office staff will call for your child and you must sign your child out in our log book. Only adults listed on the emergency contact card, with proper identification, will be permitted to sign students out. Parents are not permitted to go to the classroom. To avoid unnecessary disruptions at the end of the school day, we discourage early pick up between 1:45 PM and 2:20 PM. Please come earlier.

Please be mindful that for safety reasons:
● Only people listed on your child’s form will be allowed to escort your child home, unless you provide a written note.

● We will not take verbal permission over the phone.

● We will not release your child to anyone listed on the blue card that does not have proper identification

● All students who are being picked up from the main office must be signed out.

Free Breakfast and Lunch Program
All NYC Public School students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch.

Daily breakfast is available at 7:30AM for all students who want to eat breakfast at school. Upon arrival at the 81st street side entrance, students will go directly to the cafeteria where they will be given breakfast.  Students will then proceed to their designated line up area after eating breakfast.  Kindergarten students will remain in the cafeteria where they will be met by their classroom teacher.

Lunch Program
Hot express and cold lunches are prepared and available every day for students who want to eat school lunch. Lunch meals are available at no charge to all students. If your child does not want to eat school lunch, please send a nutritious lunch from home.
All students will be eating lunch in our school cafeteria and playing in the schoolyard during their scheduled lunch period. Students will be going outside every day, weather permitting.  Please be sure to dress your child accordingly. 

Lunch/ Recess Schedule
10:30 AM to 11:20 AM           Grade 5 & Grade 2
11:30 AM to 12:20 PM           Kindergarten & Grade 3
12:30 PM to 1:20 PM             Grade 1 & Grade 4

*Please Note:  It is very important that every school family complete a School Meals application (one application per family). These applications substantiate the need for our free breakfast and lunch program and determine whether or not the funding to offer a nutritious breakfast and lunch will continue to be provided.  Applications can be completed online at the New York City Department of Education website (Go to the “School Life” tab.  Under the category: “Food” click on “Free Meals for All”) or you can fill out a paper application.  

The School Meals application is translated in 10 languages (online and paper applications).  Paper applications can be sent home with your child.  If you have not completed the School Meals application, please be sure to complete the form as soon as possible.  If you have any questions regarding the application or need a form sent home with your child, please call Donna Criscione at 718.236.2906.

Student Health & School Nurse
A nurse is on site daily to help students when medical issues arise. If your child visits the nurse with a complaint of injury, you may receive a phone call that day or a note in the backpack that evening, depending on the severity of the situation. In most cases, students are able to return to class. In the event your child becomes ill, we will contact you immediately using the emergency information you have provided on the Emergency contact form. Please keep that information current. Parents may be called to take a child home from school due to certain contagious conditions and/or illnesses.
● A valid emergency contact information form must be on file for every student at all times. If your contact information changes over the course of the school year you make changes via Operoo.  Ms. Yuen, our Parent Coordinator can assist with any questions or concerns at 718 236-2906

● Emergency contact forms must include a phone number where someone can be reached at all times. We must be able to contact a person listed on the form at all times.

● Sick children are not permitted to stay in school. If your child becomes sick during the day, someone must be available to come and take them home.

● Emergency Contact cards must be completed and signed before submitting them to your child’s classroom teacher.


If your child is displaying COVID-like symptoms while at school, they will be isolated.  You will be contacted to pick up your child and you will be advised to test for COVID-19. 
● If the individual tests positive, the individual must isolate at home for five days.  Students will be permitted to return on day 6 if the individual is symptom free and/or symptoms are improving.

Guidelines for Keeping Your Child Home from School
● Evidence of COVID-like symptoms (cough, fever, lost of taste or smell, shortness of breath)

● Evidence of infection: red or sore throat, swollen glands.

● Temperature over 100 degrees (hot and flushed) within 24 hours before that school morning. (Child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school).

● Rash of any kind not identified by your doctor.

● If a child is asthmatic; wheezing continues one hour after medication is given.

● Vomiting during the night or morning.

● Child is too weak or tired to take part in daily routine activities.

● No child will be readmitted to school after having a communicable disease or infection without written authorization from a doctor. This includes but, is not limited to: chickenpox, scarlet fever, fifth disease, etc.

● All children with Asthma or Peanut Allergies, who carry a pump or EpiPen must have a 504 form filed in the Nurse’s office. Our school nurse can assist parents/guardians in filling out this form and/or answer any questions they may have.
Students with head lice will be excluded from class when live lice are identified. Parents will be notified, instructed in treatment of head lice and asked to pick up their child as soon as possible. Once the child returns, they will be re-examined before they can return to class.

Medical Emergencies
The school will call 911 in a medical emergency, while attempting to contact the parent or guardian. School staff will remain with the child until a parent or guardian arrives, should the situation require an ambulance or a trip to the emergency room.

Over the Counter Medications
Unless forms are on file in the nurse’s office, school staff are prohibited from providing or administering any over-the-counter medications to any student. Students needing occasional cold or pain medications are to take these at home, if possible. If medication must be given at school, the parent must bring and administer it. Students cannot carry or self-administer medication at school.

Hand Sanitizer and Washing:
Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed outside of each classroom and student bathroom.  Students and staff will need to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the classroom and repeatedly throughout the day, including but not limited to, between classes, before and after physical education, and before and after meals/snacks.

Homework Policy
Homework is an extension of the learning that takes place in school. Homework provides practice that reinforces classroom learning and can provide opportunities for independent study, research and creative thinking. Parents/Guardians can help their children by providing a quiet, comfortable place for children to work. Parents/Guardians should also follow up on assignments to ensure that they are completed. Please make sure that you check and sign all homework. The following guidelines are suggested for each grade level on a daily basis:

Kindergarten & Grade 1: 15-30 minutes
Grades 2 & 3: 30-45 minutes
Grades 4 & 5: 40-60 minutes

If you find it is taking your child longer than the above mentioned time, please do not hesitate to reach out to his/her teacher.

Report Cards
Report cards are given out three times a year in Grades 1 through 5. They are distributed in December, March and June.

District 20 Grading Policy
Performance levels and corresponding numerical ranges are as follows:

Level 1 (64% and below): Students performing at this level are well below proficient in standards for their grade.
Level 2 (65%-79%): Students performing at this level are below proficient in standards for their grade.
Level 3 (80%-91%): Students performing at this level are proficient in standards for their grade.
Level 4 (92%-100%): Students performing at this level excel in standards for their grade.

Percentage of Grades
45%- Assessments
30% - Student Participation
25%- Homework and Projects
* Students in Kindergarten and Grade One will receive performance levels 1-4; Students in Grades 2 through 5 will receive percentage grades.

NYC Schools Account
If you would like to review your child’s attendance, report card grades, NYS assessment scores, and/or general student information, you can do so by creating a NYC Schools Account.  You can register either in person or online. There are two ways to create a NYC Schools Account. You can either visit school in person to receive a temporary password or you can request that a letter with a creation code be sent home with your child.

Field Trips
School trips afford students the opportunity to observe, explore, discover and engage in hands-on experiences.  A field trip permission form will be sent home to be signed and returned to the teacher before a child may participate in a field trip.  Any child without a signed permission slip will not be allowed to attend.  Please complete and return permission slips as quickly as possible.  Parent chaperones may not bring younger or older brothers or sisters along due to insurance regulations, and for the safety of all students.  
*Students with medical needs such as allergies or asthma that require medication must be accompanied by a parent/guardian chaperone.  Please speak to your child’s teacher for more information.

Birthday Celebrations
In recognition of our students’ desire to celebrate their birthday with classmates in school, we have created a birthday celebration approved snack list. Only snacks that are on this list are acceptable for birthday celebrations to ensure that all students with allergies are safe. All families should refer to this list when purchasing treats for birthday celebrations. Please be sure to read all labels. The common practice by manufacturers is to include the top eight allergens in their ingredients list, and provide a warning label if there is a cross contamination issue. Such warnings may include:

“Processed in a facility that also produces peanuts/tree-nuts.”
“May contain traces of peanuts and tree-nuts.”
Foods with warnings such as the ones listed above are NOT permitted.

All treats must be sent in the original packaging and should be individually packaged. Teachers should be notified in advance if a child will be celebrating their birthday in class. Additionally, please note that candy/goody bags are not permitted to be given out in class.
The teacher cannot give out invitations to private birthday parties at school. Students and parents should not distribute invitations during school hours. Please be considerate of the feelings of students who may not be invited to a classmate’s private party.

Stop and Shop Cupcakes (must have peanut free label – they are also tree-nut free)
Food Dynasty Cupcakes (must have peanut free label)
Treasure Mills School Safe Cupcakes

Oreo’s (regular, double-stuffed or golden)
Linden’s Chocolate Chip Cookies                                     
Linden’s Butter Crunch Cookies 

Doritos                                                                                     Wise Potato Chips                                                     
Frito Lays variety Pack                                                       Utz Pretzels or Potato Chips
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish                                               Rold Gold Pretzels
Pringles Potato Chips or Variety Pack

Other Treats:
Kellogg’s Rice Krispy Treats                                            Fruit Roll Ups or Fruit by the Foot

Cell Phone Policy
Below you will find the cell phone policy for PS 204.  Please be sure to review the policy with your child/children. 
In accordance with the DOE policy, students are allowed to have a cell phone at school. 
All cell phones that enter the school building must be turned off and must stay off throughout the duration of the school day.
Cell phones must remain in a student’s school bag for the entire school day.  At no point during the school day is a cell phone to be removed from a school bag.
If a cell phone is removed from a student’s school bag at any point during the school day, it will be confiscated and returned only to the student’s parent/guardian following a parent/guardian meeting.
No other electronic device is permitted in the building 
Cell phones are not permitted on trips.
Students who use cell phones in violation of the DOE’s Discipline Code, the Ps 204 Cell Phone Policy, Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“IAUSP”) will be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code.

Children in school are expected to behave in a respectful and courteous way. In the event of a child violating the discipline code, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the DOE policy. P.S. 204 follows the DOE Discipline Code-Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning Grades K-5.
This document can be found at the New York City Department of Education website.
Go to “School Life”; Scroll down to the category: “Rules for Students” and click on “Discipline Code”.  The discipline code will be reviewed with students at school and parent/child discussions at home are required.   Please do not ask teachers or administrators what consequences a child other than your own has received, as this is personal information and will not be shared with you even if your child is involved in an incident with the other child.

Emergency Drills
In accordance with the DOE Emergency Readiness policies, Fire Drills, Shelter-In and Lockdown Drills are held at regular intervals. Students are taught the necessary precautions to take in the event of an emergency and the appropriate behavior to be used during the drill.

Emergency Notifications
In the event of an emergency, school personnel will work in collaboration with City, State and federal agencies as necessary to ensure the safety and security of students and school staff.  When responding to an emergency it may not be possible for school staff to contact parents through the usual channels. We must follow the guidelines issued by first responders and government agencies, although we will make every effort to contact families as soon as possible. If an emergency should occur, we may utilize one or more of the following methods of communication:
● Phone calls to the primary number listed on your child’s emergency contact form
● Operoo Notification
● P.S. 204 Website:  PS204K.ORG.
● Notify NYC:
● Department of Education:
● NYC Information Hotline:  311 

PS 204

8101 15th Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11228